Ras Al Khaimah
If you have Ras Al Khaimah on your vacation map, you might as well set out three whole days exclusively for it. Being close to Dubai, it’s easily accessible and is an important centre of trade and well known for its beaches. Spend your time basking in the sun or indulging in some water sports. It sure will help you take your mind off the busy work schedule back home.
Water Sports
Ras Al Khaimah is all about the beaches and lagoons. It is a haven for water sports enthusiasts. Go jet skiing, paragliding, wave surfing and even deep water diving. This place is clearly for those who crave for an adrenaline rush in their way of life. One of the major attractions here is the deep sea ride, which takes you into the deep rough waters and gives you a taste of the unruly waves lashing against your boat.
National Museum
Being a place of historic importance, Ras Al Khaimah has a well documented past and all of that history comes alive at the National Museum. Located in the former Royal Palace, the museum houses artefacts, jewellery, maps and other materials of historic relevance. The museum showcases the paramount evolution of cultures and traditions.
Shamal and Sheeba’s Palace
Though the palace is in ruins, it is a highly recommended tourist destination. With beautiful and intricate murals, the tombs indicate the deep sense of artistry among the locals even from historic times.
Dhayah Fort
Ras Al Khaimah was one of the oldest trading places and hence had an abundance of forts to protect the natural and financial wealth of the place. However, during the course of time is the only surviving hilltop fort in the country and should be explored for its uniqueness and ancient feel of the place.
Some of the other interesting activities are hiking in the mountains for days together and the much acclaimed camel races which is followed with great interest by locals. Home to many exquisite hotels, Ras Al Khaima houses the fort hotel Al Hamra, which is the first of its kind. It has been constructed to replicate a fort including the ancient wind towers for aesthetic appeal. Nestled among the scenic surroundings, this beautiful place is lovely for a visitor’s travel.
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